Mirrors / Sarcophagi
Mirrors /Sarcophagi are a series of large sculptural works created for specific spaces and events.
The first one was made in Australia, 1998, as part of a large international art event, The Bridge, Construction in Process V1 event, Melbourne, Australia. It was placed beside the Maribyronong river in Melbourne. Other sites and events included a medieval church in 2000, as part of Paraxo 2000, Andorra, Italy, a ruined monastery in Kells, as part of Sculpture at Kells, Kells, Kilkenny, Ireland, in the large restored Victorian Palm House in the Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin, Dublin, 2004, on the Loughmacneen Sculpture Trail 2004 and in Lough Boora Park, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 2008. www.loughbooraparklands.com Each are titled in relation to the places they are in, ie. ”Cloister Garden “ is the title of the sculpture in the monesary grounds of Kells, as it is placed specifically in the area known as the cloister Garden, a specific space for the monks to pray and reflect, as well as grow herbs.